Monday, June 23, 2008

Being Green

Being Green
While watering plants earlier i was so engrossed of what i was doing,a spark flew by and i thought of writing something about all the plants that i have.Frequently hearing about issues related to global warming.Ever since i left school my interest for plants have grown by far more than i expected so did the number of plants in my front porch.This will show you my ever growing garden.

This is only a fraction of the plants we have and there is more than it meets the eyes actually.Despite living in a place surrounded by old palm plantations,in fact more plants are needed as old palm trees release less oxygen compared to any other plants.Therefore me and my mum are thinking off getting even more plants.God knows how many days it will take to transport all our plants in case we shift elsewhere.haha

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is it me...or your house memang increased in plants.
I don't remember you guys having sooo many!! xp's nice to have them around.I should mk a visit le again before you guys shift.